About Abby Cartwright

My name is Abby and I set up Every Woman Physio to spread the word about the importance of our pelvic floor, and to help break the taboo surrounding these common but very treatable pelvic floor complaints.

My Mission

When I am asked about the part of my job, I love the most; it is always being able to help women feel more empowered. This is a goal I am passionate about and is also very important to me on a personal level.

Women are not informed adequately about pelvic health. Statistics show that over 60 percent of women will suffer from Pelvic Floor dysfunction at some point in their lifetime.

I hope that by spreading the knowledge and information that I feel every woman should know about their pelvic health, and helping break the taboo surrounding pelvic floor dysfunction, the result will be more confident, informed, and empowered women out there.

To further this important mission, I am excited to say that I will be donating 5% profit made from every course sold to support Plan International, an organisation working on projects in both the UK and across the globe, supporting girls by empowering them, and after all, the girls of today will be the women of tomorrow.

"Every Woman deserves to put their health first."

Experienced and Qualified Physio

Abby is an experienced women’s health physio who believes that knowledge should be shared to make a change. As the founder of Every Woman Physio, she is passionate about empowering women to take care of their pelvic health every day.

Abby has developed expertise over a decade of working with women suffering from Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, learning from first-hand experience how debilitating these issues can be, and how having these issues can severely affect women’s quality of life.

Commonly, women only find out they have a Pelvic health issue when it arises. By sharing knowledge now, Abby can help you can do everything you can to prevent these issues, or if you do already have PF issues, to restore your health.